The Power of a Brilliant Education and Determination: Yudex’s López Success Story 

Last Thursday marked a memorable moment at Brilla College Prep Middle with the celebration of the 8th grade graduation. The event was a vibrant showcase of cheers, applause, and outstanding achievements. Among the proud graduates heading to specialized high schools or Catholic schools was an exceptional young man, Yudex Lopez. Yudex, originally from Honduras, joined our Brilla community in August 2023 without knowing any English.

In less than a year, Yudex’s relentless determination, supported by the nurturing environment at Brilla, has seen him not only advance to an intermediate level in English but also fully embrace and be embraced by the Brilla culture. His remarkable adaptability and infectious spirit culminated in him being voted Prom King—a testament to his positive impact on our community.

We had the privilege of speaking with Yudex, his mother, Yurida, and his three younger siblings—Fernando, Ashley, and Angie, who are also thriving at Brilla.

Yudex, please share your background and how you joined Brilla, including your state of mind at that time.

I arrived in the U.S. in April 2023 and started school at Brilla in August of that year without knowing English, or anything about the school system —this was daunting and worrisome to me. Due to the language barrier, I was initially very nervous and unsure about making friends or fitting in. However, the warmth and support from the teachers and my classmates were overwhelming. I especially owe a lot to Mr. Fernández, whose dedication significantly helped my academic and social transition.

What class did you find most challenging and which one did you enjoy the most?

Humanities was my biggest challenge due to the language-dependent nature of the subject. Thanks to the resources like the computers provided by Brilla and the patient help from my teachers, I adjusted quickly. As for my favorites, Orchestra captured my heart initially, and I’ve grown to love Humanities, thanks to the engaging teaching methods of Mr. Ashley.”

How does a young man who is new to the country, the school, and the language become Prom King?

I believe being open and friendly helped me integrate and be part of the community quickly. I always try to carry myself with good character and a positive personality. My peers recognized these traits, which I think played a big part in being elected Prom King.

Yurida, why did you decide to put your other three kids in Brilla?

Seeing Yudex so happy and well-adjusted convinced me to enroll his siblings at Brilla despite the longer commute from Manhattan. We live in a shelter on 47th Street in Manhattan, and many people told me to change them to a school closer to home, but the caring and respectful environment at Brilla made me decide to keep them there. It is worth the sacrifice and the early morning commute. The staff’s dedication to the children’s well-being and academic success reassures me daily that I made the right choice.”

We asked Fernando, Ashley, and Angie about their experience at Brilla and here is what they have to say:

Fernando: “My favorite subjects are Math, Science, PE, and Music. I play the violin, and Mr. Ortiz is an amazing teacher.”

Ashley: “I’m excited to continue at Brilla for 5th grade. I love my math classes and the morning routines. Mr. Coker is my favorite teacher!”

Angie: “I enjoy math, painting, and karate classes the most. Ms. Marter and Mr. Sanchez are my favorite teachers because they make learning fun.”

Furthermore, when asked about what they want to be when they grow up, the Lopez children have big dreams: Angie aspires to join the Army, Ashley wants to be an engineer or beautician, and Fernando is interested in mechanics, baking, or construction. Yudex himself has evolved from dreaming of a career in mechanical engineering to setting his sights on joining the U.S. Marines.

Do you have any advice for new students, Yudex?

Focus on your studies, and don’t be intimidated by the language barrier. Always ask for help when you need it; you’re not alone here.

Yurida, would you recommend Brilla to other families?

Of course, I would highly recommend Brilla. I love how they treat students and how they genuinely care for each one. My kids love going to school every day and have never expressed a desire not to go to Brilla. I’d say to the families: Let’s go to Brilla!

Yudex’s journey is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of a brilliant education at Brilla, highlighted by both courage and adaptability. As he transitions to high school and pursues his dream of joining the U.S. Marines, we at Brilla remain committed to supporting his siblings and other students in embracing challenges with grace, joy, and resilience.

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