Excellence in High School, College, and Beyond: Ms. Carmen Santos at Brilla College Prep Middle School

At Brilla College Prep Middle School (BCPM), the journey from middle school to high school is navigated with precision and care, thanks to the dedicated efforts of Ms. Carmen Santos, our High School Placement Guidance Counselor. Her role is imperative, ensuring that every student in the 7th and 8th grades receives the guidance and support needed to secure a place in the best high schools in the city and the northeast. Recognizing the importance of this transition, Brilla Middle Schools have committed to having a dedicated high school placement counselor in every school, a testament to our diligence and sector-leading approach in this critical area.

Ms. Santos’s impact at BCPM cannot be overstated. Under her guidance, our students and their families navigate the often complex high school selection process with confidence and clarity. Brilla’s model, which mirrors the college admissions offices at elite high schools, ensures that our students are well-prepared and competitive applicants for top-tier high schools, including private, Catholic, and specialized institutions. The success of this model is evident in the impressive outcomes we achieve year after year. This commitment aligns with our mission of “Excellence in High School, College, and Beyond.”

The statistics speak for themselves: over the past two school years, Ms. Santos has helped secure $2.92 million in scholarships for our students. The 2023-2024 school year saw the highest number of private school, specialized high school, and FAA high school placements to date, including six students accepted into specialized high schools and multiple scholarships worth well over $100,000 at elite, private institutions. Additionally, 52% of our 8th-grade students were accepted into Catholic high schools, with nearly all students receiving multiple offers. These achievements highlight the effectiveness of our middle school curriculum, high school placement program, and Ms. Santos’s exceptional dedication.

Beyond the numbers, the personal testimonials from our students and staff paint a vivid picture of Ms. Santos’s impact. Alejandra V., an 8th-grade student, shares, “Ms. Santos is a great person who will always be there for you. She gives the best advice and is also the best listener. She is very kind and funny, and whenever I am sad, mad, or even happy, I know I can come to her to make my day better.” Riley T., another 8th-grade student, adds, “Ms. Santos is outstanding in everything she does, whether it’s giving me advice, listening to my rants, or helping me with high school options. Being able to have Ms. Santos as a counselor here is a true blessing.”

Ms. Santos’s commitment extends beyond the students to their families as well. Principal Will Scott remarks, “Ms. Santos is a model for family-first education. She spends countless hours not only with students but also with families to ensure their success in high school placement. Our families and staff are fortunate to have such a hardworking, dedicated advocate at BCPM.” This sentiment is echoed by social workers Maria Ventura and Sandra Perez, who commend Ms. Santos for her strategic connections and unwavering support: “She bridges pathways that our families at some point may have viewed as unattainable.”

The leadership of our 8th-grade teachers, Mr. Jeremiah Joseph and other school leaders, plays a critical role in this process as well. Their involvement and support help to create a cohesive and comprehensive approach to high school placement. Brilla Middle Schools honor the crucial role of parents as the first educators, with Ms. Santos supporting them but ultimately leaving the decision of where to attend with the parents. This collaborative effort ensures that every student’s unique needs and aspirations are met, fostering an environment of excellence that extends “in High School, College, and Beyond.”

In celebrating Ms. Carmen Santos, we acknowledge not only her professional excellence but also her profound personal impact on our school community. Her passion, dedication, and unwavering support for our students and their families have set a high standard for high school placement guidance. At Brilla College Prep Middle School, we are immensely grateful for her contributions and look forward to continuing to pave the way for our students’ success together.

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