Brilla’s Brilliance Receives Recognition

Cherished families, dedicated staff, and supportive friends,

Already, 2024 has brought many great things to Brilla. This year has seen Brilla’s brilliance cascade into the public eye, garnering traction and recognition from numerous media outlets. We’re humbled to see the collective efforts of our entire network gaining broader recognition. It’s gratifying to know that the world is discovering what we’ve always believed: Brilla Schools are the top choice in the Bronx!

We invite you to share Brilla’s media coverage with those you know as we continue to increase the reach of Brilla’s light. Brilla has been featured prominently in the news at Pix11, The New Yorker, and El Especialito, the largest Hispanic weekly in the US. These features mark a significant milestone in our journey worthy of reflection. 

El Especialito Article

While we are humbled and reflect on the hard work of everyone at Brilla Public Charter Schools, we must continue to seize opportunities. 2024 marks a year where we are investing in a new branding and marketing plan intentionally designed to spotlight Brilla’s love for students and families. 

The plan is deeply rooted in Brilla’s mission, stakeholders, and objectives, highlighting our commitment to the strategic priorities of Wisdom Accelerated (Academics), Empowerment is Our Standard (Culture), and Love Centers Our Community (Enrollment). These pillars serve as the guiding forces for Brilla’s journey, illuminating the path to fulfilling our mission and achieving our goals.

At Brilla, academics lead the way, highlighting our drive for excellence and our dedication to fostering our students’ intellectual growth—a commitment recognized and celebrated by the media. Culture is our cornerstone, instilling values of wisdom, justice, courage, and self-control in every student and fostering a community that lives virtuously. Enrollment is key as we strive to showcase our exceptional offerings, supporting families in making informed choices for their children’s education and emphasizing the importance of parental choice.

The recognition from Pix11, The New Yorker, and El Especialito is not only a testament to Brilla’s achievements but also a catalyst for future endeavors. It highlights the effectiveness of Brilla’s mission and the importance of investing in our next adventure for Brilla’s new branding and marketing plan, which is meticulously crafted to communicate Brilla’s mission and values. This plan serves as a blueprint for navigating the challenges ahead, leveraging the media traction to amplify Brilla’s message further and expand its influence.

In conclusion, 2024 has indeed brought great things to Brilla; Brilla is poised to continue its trajectory of excellence, making a profound impact on students and communities alike. The journey ahead is bright, filled with opportunities to further Brilla’s mission and amplify its brilliance. Thanks for your continued support!

Con cariño,

Yeime White De Valle 

Executive Director

Brilla Schools Network

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